Murder In The Cathedral

He is an internationally renowned healer..

he has drawn crowds of 150,000 who witness

the miracles God pours through him

a demon possessed man.. screamed when

Ernest touched him

and yet..

not far from the picture

of Jesus.. risking His own life

to walk down on a rocky ledge

to rescue the 100th lamb..

an actual murder occurred

in the cathedral cafeteria..


why did his wife die of

intestinal cancer?

wherever animals' pieces are

made or transported or

sold or stored

.. violent vibrations begin to build

and to attract


Ernest, God wants you no longer

to sell pieces of murdered

animals in the cafeteria

Please reread Genesis 1: 29,

Daniel 1, Isaiah 65,

Jesus' driving of the butchers

out of the temple

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Debra Baker's picture

very cleverly written, you have a way with words. i had to read it a couple of times but i think you have a point that you've made me realise i have to address myself, so thank you ;)