4 White Men

Mount Rushmore

Lincoln, a mystic poet, charismatic wit, brilliant lawyer who by executive order freed slaves.

But he also hanged poor draft resisters and let

  rich men buy their way out

Washington through war freed the United States

  from British rule but his

feet were warm in a house while

  those of Valley Forge soldiers froze off

Roosevelt established the national park system..

  fought against corporate greed, was known for integrity.

His compassion for a cub who wandered into camp after

his hunting party orphaned her mother.. was the genesis

of the teddy bear. But he also fought imperialist wars

against Spain.

Jefferson bought territory from France. Whether or not

he was a pedophile depends on the legal definition of different

states. He was a slaveholder. 200 of his slaves were sold

at auction upon his death. Families were divided.

all four of them .. carved into stone

in a mountain

sacred to the Lakotas

of South Dakota

Author's Notes/Comments: 

O Anna Niemus
Lincoln by executive order freed slaves.
Washington through war freed the United States
  from British rule.
Roosevelt established the national park system..
  fought against corporate greed.
Jefferson bought territory from France.

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Lincoln by executive order freed slaves.
Washington through war freed the United States
from British rule.
Roosevelt established the national park system..
fought against corporate greed.
Jefferson bought territory from France.