83 Degrees.. Record High

On this mid day of April in 2003

.. 83 degrees is a record high

.. as global warming continues

from the onslaught of record tree destruction

and fossil fuels..

In the equator  where the sun beats most

.. it is 70 degrees

because of

the carpet of trees

Author's Notes/Comments: 

what can we do?
1. plant trees
2. eat the fruit of trees
3. end the use of paper
4. cancel daily newspaper
5. replace toilet paper
  with hoses
6. vote out the GOP

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ditto to above's picture

are you talking degrees celsius here?


Katrina .....'s picture

If we used hoses instead of toilet paper we'd have to have a programme in place for water conservation instead, right? Just musing....I couldn't live without paper, sorry. I read novels all the time. Do you think recycling paper isn't good enough, then, even if we improve current systems?
