First Lady: Moral Leader

The first lady, Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy,

stood with Robert Kennedy.. in opposition

to the war in Vietnam in 1968

...When Martin Luther King was killed

by the pawns of war profiteers

in national agencies..

she flew to Atlanta to be

with Coretta Scott King

She edited 100 books on

Buddhism, reincarnation and eternal

love, French culture, architecture.

She worked to preserve nature

in Martha's Vineyard and elsewhere.

First Lady Rosalynn Carter..

has partnered with her husband

in promoting the Peace of Christ.

Both worked to honor the tradition

established by Eleanor Roosevelt,

Happy Warrior.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

There are dozens of
Jesus' statements about
refraining from
violence. Nowhere
does He counsel

Mrs Kennedy when she
campaigned for Grand
Central Station to
remain.. without
a huge skyscraper
One would hope that a city acts
as protector of sun
and light and clean air

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