Jay Leno

Jay Leno, Francophobe, pawn of Lockheed

and other military contractors .. errand boy for the Likud..

your monologue contains insults to those who stand for

peace, ridicule and age chauvinism for older couples

, promotion of leather and other products stolen from

butchered animals, yet another swipe and Bill Clinton's

private life. You howl at the moons of your betters..

they can show how little power you have by turning the channel

.. turning the tv off and boycotting your sponsors.

God take you and all other warwhores off the air.

God bust up GE and NBC and all those who

sell their souls for ratings.

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All late-nite talkshow hosts insult others. If you feel this way about Jay then you should also feel this way about David, Conan, and all the others. It isn't right for you to just exlude the others. But anyone the poem was writen well.