All Will Know Him

The End Times

When God’s Wrath, my friend, is poured, all will know it’s of The Lord,

As men hide under rocks and in caves, from the only One Who saves,

From The Lamb, on His Throne, His Wrath to the entire world is shown,

All men who refused God’s Truth, shall know His Wrath as vivid proof.

Yet, the very God, whom they despise, wants not to see their demise,

But desires that all come to Christ, to accept His unmatched sacrifice,

That of God’s Only Begotten Son, sent to bring salvation to everyone,

Not wanting to harm, but rescue all, from His Wrath, that is sure to fall.

But, in their rebellion, they persist, while the Love of Christ, they resist,

Knowing there is Judgment ahead, all persist in arrogant pride instead,

The pride causing men to ignore, the coming Judgment, that’s in store,

For every man in every nation, who refuse to embrace God’s Salvation.

Knowing who they shall hide from, and yet unbelievers refuse to come,

To the Only One to save their soul, before His Judgment begins to roll,

From God’s storehouse up above, down upon all who refuse His Love,

Spiraling down from their unbelief, they shall find from Christ, no relief,

All this as The Lord purges the earth, of all who see God of little worth,

And all will know that Christ is Lord, when upon all His Wrath is poured,

But you can accept Christ today, and escape God’s Wrath on that day,

If you will only acknowledge Him, as The One who died for all your sin.

(Copyright ©02/2009)

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