Not Religion

Religion is not what saves one’s life, but, it is The Savior, Jesus Christ,

Who came to God’s chosen Nation, to bring His people True Salvation.

While denouncing a religion of men, that by God would be condemned,

For leading His people Israel astray, which is still the problem of today.

Religion is simply man’s creation, that is missing that one vital relation,

A personal relation with Jesus Christ, the author and sustainer of all life.

Religion is what people, for God, do, not what God did for me and you,

Religion in a spiritually barren land, may be simply what men understand,

About Jesus as Savior and our God, as taught across the lands we trod,

From teachers filled with showmanship, but lacking that vital relationship,

One with God’s only begotten Son, Christ Jesus who came for everyone.

A living personal relationship with, Christ Jesus, who died so all can live.

Religion can be found in any place, but, lacks God’s vital saving Grace,

The Grace God lifted on that cross, to save the religious, who were lost.

Some religions which men create, fill men’s hearts with not love but hate,

Religions made up of earthly rules, creates upon the earth religious fools.

With bondage of their mind and heart, where The Lord Jesus has no part.

But a relationship by The Spirit above, will fill their heart with God’s Love.

Religion is not what I desire to share, but God, who for all men did care,

Enough to send His Son to Calvary, to die for sinners, like you and me,

Sending His own Son as a sacrifice, this to pay for all, sin’s awful price,

So that with God, both you and me, could have a relationship eternally,

A relationship free of religious strife, which also gives men Eternal Life.

A life in Heaven with Christ our Lord, free from all religions forevermore.

(Copyright ©07/2007)

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