Is Your Home Sanctified?

Probing Questions

Is your home, my friend, sanctified, set apart by the One who died?

Is there present a reverent fear, serving a God who is always near?

Is your heart devoted to Him, who died alone to cleanse you of sin?

Have you let Him into your heart, to give your life a brand new start?

Or haven’t you yet met The Lord, Who’s knocking now at your door?

Christ wants you to join His Bride, so that in your heart He can reside.

He came down from Heaven above, sent to us by The Father’s love.

Christ left the comfort of His Throne, to offer to you an Eternal Home.

From Heaven above to a cattle stall, He came to be The Savior of all.

And from that stall for you and me, Christ died that death upon a tree.

But you can stay right where you are, for us it’s a matter of the Heart.

Simply eliminate your life of sin, to in your heart, make room for Him.

When you make room for Christ, Jesus will begin to change your life.

With His Spirit guiding your heart, He’ll help you set your home apart.

Set apart from this world my friend, to be used for The Master’s End.

And in the end we all will see, all that He’s done through you and me.

Do you have posted on your door, that your home serves The Lord?

Is your home that special place, tempered by God’s Love and Grace?

Does Christ guide your home, with power from His Heavenly Throne?

If not, devote your home to The King, and you’ll never regret a thing.

(Copyright ©05/2005)

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