
Surrender to God’s awesome will, and watch His purpose be fulfilled.

God’s purpose in your life will be, a treasure for you through Eternity.

Surrender is never for the weak, but men who are humble and meek.

For when you surrender to The Lord, you don’t know what’s in store.

When you surrender you don’t lose, as you become one God can use.

Christ will use you in various ways, as The Lord fills out all your days.

A life of surrender is the only door, to properly serve The Living Lord.

Surrender is the required sacrifice, for a life pleasing to Jesus Christ.

Earthly desires throughout the day, simply hinder and get in the way.

But surrender my friend sets aside, earthly plans that would only die.

Christ exchanges all your desires, for a purpose that is much higher.

And a surrendered life for Jesus Christ, continues on into Eternal Life.

If you think you’ll lose out on life, remember what was done by Christ.

Christ put aside all that He was, to endure a cross for sinners like us.

Surrender will indeed alter your plans, as you follow The Son of Man.

But when you do surrender my friend, you join a plan that has no end.

True surrender comes with power, and guides you every day and hour.

And surrender isn’t surrender at all, but a fulfilled life in The Lord of all.

For it’s not my will that will be done, but it is the will of God’s Only Son.

So surrender today to Jesus Christ, and you friend inherit Eternal Life.

Copyright ©08/2005 Bob Gotti

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