Just Why The Son Was Given

For unto us a child was born, and unto us The Son was given.

Through The Son I am reborn, and by His blood I am forgiven.

On a cross of shame and scorn, His life for all was freely given.

Many hearts indeed were torn, as the temple curtain was riven.

But that was the end of The Law, and began the Age of Grace.

And access was open to all, who in prayer would seek His face.

This was for men big and small, at any time and from any place.

He came to redeem from the fall, all the sinners of Adam’s race.

The only man, who had no sin, came into this world to be a light.

A world that was made by Him, and filled by men with evil blight.

His light in me He placed within, to guide me in the darkest night.

And as you faithfully follow Him, He fills you with eternal delight.

Christ came as God had willed, to become the Savior of all men.

Christ Jesus being Spirit filled, said that men must be born again.

But by His own, Christ was killed, as one who stood condemned.

However friend this only fulfilled, Christ’s set purpose for all men.

The reason Jesus came to earth, was to be God’s final sacrifice.

For short of Glory was our worth, and so The Son paid the price,

So from God we gain new birth, and this is through Jesus Christ.

And soon we will leave this earth, to begin with Him Eternal Life.

(Copyright ©01/2006)

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