Sealed By God

God's Sovereignty

I have been sealed by God’s Love, sealed for God’s Courts above,

I’m sealed for the time to come, for Eternal Service with God’s Son.

Sealed through my faith in Him, The Savior who died for all my sin,

I’m sealed by The Spirit of Christ, God’s guarantee for Eternal Life.

Though my heart may tend to stray, within me He will always stay,

Guiding me with God’s certainty, as He leads me towards Eternity.

Where with Christ I’ll forever be, in the home He’s prepared for me.

When I was saved by Grace, He prepared for me an eternal place.

God sealed my pardon by His Son, through the victory He has won,

Christ’s victory over sin and death; it is finished was His last breath.

All that we need to do is believe, then The Spirit of God we receive.

Giving all Glory to God’s Lamb, who died on Calvary for every man.

Sealed by Jesus Christ to serve, through a Grace we don’t deserve,

But God’s Mercy and His Love, was poured down on us from above.

His Grace and Mercy poured on us, fallen sinners formed from dust,

Now positioned in the courts of God, to live above this earth we trod.

My name sealed in the Book of Life, will be revealed by Jesus Christ,

Who bought me with His sacrifice, which allows me to enter Paradise.

Where I’ll serve the Eternal King, as a new redeemed immortal being,

Redeemed and sealed by His blood, to live eternally in Heaven above.

(Copyright ©11/2006)

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