God Makes Things Happen

God's Sovereignty

Only God can make things happen, as we travel through this life,

Guiding those saved from sin, through the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

Only God can change the heart, which is firmly set in all its ways,

In order to from present sin depart, into a new life of better days.

Everything that happens, God allows, in the lives of me and you,

And everything that God avows, will surely, in His time come true.

He may change our present path, as we live out this present time,

To save us from His future Wrath, which will come by His Design.

One Truth that we all cherish, which comes from God’s Salvation,

Is God desires none to perish, via His Message of Reconciliation.

Allowing men to scoff or embrace, His Truth decreed for Eternity,

God’s Truth of Mercy and of Grace, done at the Cross of Calvary.

God allows all men the choice, in regards to the Truth of His Son,

To scoff at Truth or to rejoice, in the Savior He sent for everyone.

We’re told this would be the case, within the Eternal Word of God,

As believers long to see His face, scoffers shall just see His Rod.

His Rod of Judgment as it happens, shall be just as God avowed,

Upon a world plagued by sins, that a darkened world has allowed.

Though God makes things happen, we still have a choice to make,

To allow God’s Son to live within, or God’s Truth, eternally forsake.

(Copyright ©05/2008)

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