Are You Ready For The End?

Probing Questions

I ask, are you ready my dear friend, are you ready for the end?

For The Holy Bible is very clear, that the end of time is near.

The love of most will grow cold; this is what the Apostles were told.

Many in the end are deceived, even though they said they believed.

For many will fall from the Truth, and sadly live lives of ill repute.

Take The Lord's undeserved Grace, they have treated it with disgrace.

They spend their time in wicked fun, grieving The Spirit and The Son.

So they turn God's Graciousness, into a life of immoral wickedness.

Having no change of heart within, they truly don't understand sin.

Having only a natural birth, they are only mindful of things on earth.

Unwisely following men's rules, living their lives like utter fools.

Having no fear of God in their heart, Wisdom for them had no start.

The Lord is given no place to reign; so much of His Word seems insane.

When they hear of God's warning, they become filled with scorning.

But they continue to insist very boldly, that they live pure and holy.

They live in arrogance and pride, for this is what they have inside.

Their need is to be Born Again, to fully understand their wicked sin.

There is One in whom they can be sure, this of course is The Lord.

But with no change in their heart, He will tell them to simply depart.

So look around and see my friend, are you truly ready for the end?

(Copyright © 04/2002)

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honey811's picture

This is a powerful piece and I agree with this piece totally, The end is closer then you think and my heart breaks that many are not prepared and when you tell them to they looked at you like your crazy. I have written a few pieces on this topic as well.