Wise In Their Own Eyes

My friend, how can somebody be so wrong and profess to be so right?

How can someone belong to The Morning Star and live as in the night?

When born from The Spirit above we gain The Lord's wisdom and sight.

But many, who profess His name, live like they never saw His light.

People who are filled with pride are simply wise in their own eyes,

And instead of moving ahead, their pride will be their own demise.

For The God of all Creation is not fooled by their deceitful guise.

And The Lord Himself will one day frustrate the wisdom of the wise.

Approach God with humility and you become spiritually discerning,

But pride hinders them from the Truth although they keep learning.

He's coming for His own and the wise are filled with this yearning,

But all who are wise in their own eyes will be in Eternity burning.

Christians become opposed to the world as they become God filled,

And proud men remain opposed to the Gospel for they are self willed.

It was pride at the cross that caused the Lord's Blood to be spilled,

But they are no task for God and like brute beasts shall be killed.

For these men pride is the leading cause to why and how they behaved,

Proud they have a heart hardened to God and a mind that's depraved.

Therefore they refuse to acknowledge God and by sin become enslaved,

So they perish refusing to embrace God's Truth and by Jesus be saved.

(Copyright © 08/2003)

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