God’s Eternal Plan For Man

God's Sovereignty

The heart of God’s Eternal Plan was the life He breathed into man.

Life entered man by God’s breath, so man would not experience death.

Man was then placed in a paradise created for him by God and Christ.

But this paradise by sin was marred and from it sinful man was barred.

In The Garden man was blessed, but because of sin he now faces death.

But God is all knowing friend and He had a remedy for this tragic end.

For God had in His Eternal Plan redemption in Christ for fallen man.

Christ for all men would taste death and man receives eternal breath.

This is the Good News of Jesus Christ, that we can have Eternal Life.

Here again we see God’s Plan and this time He uses sinful fallen man.

For God created a holy mystery, a Body formed of all men who believe.

The Body is The Church of Christ, born out of His ultimate sacrifice.

The Church was born on Pentecost, to seek and save men who are lost.

Rejected by His own at the cross, but without Him men will suffer loss.

The Good News is Christ died for all, to save man from Adam’s fall.

All believers are sent by God, to share The Truth wherever they trod.

A blessed fact you should know, Christ goes with you wherever you go.

As The Holy Spirit comes to live inside He becomes our spiritual guide.

The purpose of God’s new creation is to tell men about His Salvation.

The Church is saved by New Birth to preach Good News to all the earth.

Saved from the bondage of sin and baptized with The Holy Spirit within.

Saved by the Blood of The Lamb to witness to every nation and land.

Saved by God to set sinners free and raised to new life from Calvary.

Saved by the death of Jesus Christ to be for Him a living sacrifice.

(Copyright ©09/2004)

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