Self Proclaimed Experts

Self proclaimed experts are not really experts of God's Word at all,

Since these self appointed gurus are oblivious to man's wicked fall.

Bold and arrogant talkers, they are filled with self worth and pride,

They lean upon their own wisdom, ignoring why at Calvary Christ died.

Perplexed at best they still attempt to be eloquent about Calvary.

Distorting Truth they can't perceive slandering The God of Eternity.

But distorting Truth by one's own wisdom is never a wise deduction,

For the distortion of God's Word is a means to their own destruction.

There are men who want to teach but they do not know Truth at all,

Instead of helping men grow they only lead them to spiritually fall.

These men are not serving God but their own appetites of sinful lust,

They are not filled with Godliness, but filled with worldly disgust.

But these men will not get very far in distorting God's Eternal Word,

For God is not mocked at all and they'll get just what they deserve.

If God can hold the angels who rebelled in chains for Judgment Day,

God will deal with these men also in a more severe or similar way.

Whether teachers or deceivers they'll be dealt with also on that day,

To be in eternal darkness forever, for Christ is indeed The Only Way.

For there is no other name under heaven by which men must be saved,

For His Blood bought us all, the redeemed and the morally depraved.

(Copyright ©04/2004)

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