My Tao

This path I walk

Rough and challenging

Steadfast and sure

The journey leads me

My destination is sure

Promises unfold

For this I am told

Complete me

My heart is whole

My tongue satisfied

I see good days

I walk in His ways

My pathway is peace

It calls my name

It whispers proclaim

For freedom I long

Free I will be

For as I follow

So shall I be

All the days long

He fills me with song

My joy is complete

For Him I shall meet

Transformed in a moment I will be

Just wait and see

He desires me

He longs for me to come near

To touch my heart

For we shall never part

Always will be

Him and me

I rest in His presence

He holds me there

At times when I am weary

He strengthens me

My rock and my fortress

My refuge in times of fear

He covers me, embraces me and holds me near

Comforts my soul

With just one touch I am whole

I lay bare before Him

Nothing unseen

He despises me not

Though at times I am unclean

He gently washes and soothes my soul

As I cry out

He whispers gently "I know"

My pain is real and hurt lingers there

As I surrender

He draws near

With just one touch you see

He heals the pain in me

I now stand strong

In Him is where I belong

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written August 9th, 4:19 am
Tao means path in chinese.
Just pouring out my heart

View trot's Full Portfolio
S74rw4rd's picture

A great spiritual testimony! Bravo!


jonny's picture

A beautiful work of art. Creates very vivid mental imagery and shows much potential torwards Lauri's future writings. I'm looking forward to reading more!

Bob Abston's picture

I came upon your invitation looking for words on a page.
What I found was an outpouring of your heart.
This poety is deep and I spent hours trying to capture its essence and have yet to make a good start.

Bob Abston

Lass's picture

Excellent work, Lauri. Tis the first of your work I have seen. I especially love the lines..."Though at times I am unclean...He gently washes and soothes my soul...As I cry out...He whispers gently "I know"....One feels the comfort offered in your piece. Thank you for sharing this work of love. God bless you, my sweet sister in Christ.
Love you,

Erynn Donovan's picture

:D pretty

Kaleb's picture

i thought it was very passionate, well-grammered, simple, but with elegence; spiritual.