All We Are Is Our Past Dreams



Who will tell of OUR stories,

we whose names are in this rock?

A  gash in Time and Space,

reminder of that black hole

that sucked us all in.

Like a leprous wound,

oozing death out,

suppurating the pain and loss

that we paid.

And paid.

And still pay!

More than any price

of some piece of granite.

No rock can assuage a hurting mind.

You see names; I hear cries.

You see stone; I see shredded dreams,

bloodied flak-jackets, ruined lives.

And we all prayed this prayer

at one time or another::

O, God of Life and Death!,

if You DO come

in Your inevitableness,

please, PLEASE grant a warrior

his one last wish::

come in gentleness!!

Let me die unafraid!!!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

It helps endure PTSD

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