Constant Battle

Things of the past haunt times ahead.

A future scorn from blood you’ve shed.

Your hearts been torn, inside out,

Left you in fear with jealous and doubt.

It’s hard to recover when you’ve been a toy,

In others lives and brought them joy.

Yet they never cared for you at all,

Just used you, played you, and watched you fall.

Though to the one you love it isn’t just.

She deals with your issues of lack of trust.

It’s not her fault and you know it’s not,

But peace of mind is not easily got.

You try and try to be strong inside,

For her your love will never die.

She’s the first that’s actually cared for you,

And means it when she says she loves you too.

So for her your heart will continue on,

Fighting the fear until it’s gone.

Just understand it’s hard to do,

And trust in her, as she trusts in you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For My love, Martinique, I love you, Just bear with me please.

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Kris Grula's picture

Very thought provoking. Great write.