Not My King

He is a creation of my making. 

I carried him protected him within my person until the day of his birth. 

Once here all my childish wants and affairs stopped. 

I can't go out tonight my son comes first. 

Can't sleep all day my son comes first.

If all I had to do was watch him explore the world all day I would be at peace.

He knows how to push the limits, but he doesn't know any better yet so I guide him. 

I couldn't imagine anything being more important. 

Nothing comes before him.

Not a friend or family member no matter how close.

This is now my responsibility to cherish, teach, and defend. 

Anything that would draw away my attention, or ability to provide for him must be cut off. 

I could never write him a rain check. 

I would tear down any wall separating me from him.

Our distance causes me distress. 

Not to discredit anyone else but as for me he is priority number 1. 

It's ok to have a life and fun outside of being his parent but I realize that is only temporary. I could never part with him for any reason.  

Anyone who would have me try isn't worthy of his presence. 

I barter and compromise with no one on his safety or care. 

By this same token I will train my child up on the way that he should go. 

With patience, discipline, and love. 

A model citizen after my grandfather and father. 

Pouring into him the information on how to avoid the mistakes of my past, whilst knowing he must make his own future.

I can't hold his hand forever, and some days I may have to simply witness as he falls. 

It is my job to nurture and build his ability to love.

All the while making sure he has plenty examples of real love.

I am his mother, not his queen. 

He is my prince, not my king. 

One day he will have a woman and family who needs his full attention.

When I am sure he is secure in his decision to work is done. 

I will always love him and guide him when asked, but she will be his new number one.

She will care for him, inform him, and be his help mate for this new stage of life. 

And I will enjoy the fruits of their love from my new position in life. 

He will always be my baby boy, but he is destined for more than my watchful eye. 

My prayers will cover him when he is out of my sight, and likewise when he reunites with his rib.