
Stop.  Stop!  Stop taking from me!

And leaving only a memory. 

You come and you go like the passing of the wind.

You take and you take, there is no end.


Some don't even notice as you pass them by.

They don't see you, even as you stare in their eye.

But I do, I see you, I see every move you make!

So I will hold onto "now", I know soon it you will take. 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is the first time I have posted a poem.  I wrote this one in April 2013.  Feel free to critique or post whaterver you want to say about it.


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Anretsuhn's picture


I like it. I find it moving, it also makes me kind of sad for all of the time I am whasting and all of the opprotunities I have let pass me by. I kinda feel it.



tallsquirrelgirl's picture


This is SO COOL. very well written- I love the rhythm and raw emotion. Keep writing!!!

*tallsquirrelgirl* she feels in italics and thinks in CAPITALS ~henry james

Timechaser's picture

Thanks!   Glad you like it.

Thanks!   Glad you like it.  Glad anyone likes it...lol.