Say Something

If only you could see

All the damage done.


If only you could hear

Every time I cried.


If only you could know

The pain you've caused me.


If only

You would say something.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Being ignored sucks /: Especially by your "best friend."

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Sassylass's picture


To the point

nice write!



Poetry is passion,imagination & soul mixing together....



Thom1396's picture


I came up with it while walking to school and wrote it down. It was exactly how I felt.


Sassylass's picture


for what circumstances that caused those feelings,but you expressed it and that's good.

i wish the best for you,


Poetry is passion,imagination & soul mixing together....



Thom1396's picture

It's not your fault

but thank you anyways. It's nice to show how you feel and this was my way to do that.