"In Pieces"

She takes a sip of her beer,

but she doesn't drink.

She tries to numb the pain

and glue the pieces.

No one notices,

or seems to care.

That the once stable woman,

is breaking.

I try to help,

to listen and understand.

But I'm ignored,

and made feel to blame.

I cannot help her,

I am already broken

and can't break anymore.

I am dust, of a once man.

The only one to heal it all was her,

but she cant heal anything now.

There is no glue in sight,

to put us back together.

No one worries or tries but me,

but I'm just dust

that will soon blow away in the breeze,

because there is no glue that can fix me.


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MargoT's picture

hey why no poems since two

hey why no poems since two years u have talents i enjoy the innocence of your words and the beauty of them, please write again, maybe u are on another blogs?

 let me know, love to see what u be writting.


Visual poet/ Libertine lost in a labyrinth of complexities, methaphors, searching for the essence/ Ink of life/ death to spell my syphilistic words on the page/ screen.       

this_is_life's picture

thanks so much! I havent been

thanks so much! I havent been on here in legit two years haha. I also havent written in a while either which is a shame I used to do it all the time :/ but thank you for the kind words its appreciated :)