retaliation, a long time ago

So banish him then

Ressurected by luck's son

Nebimelach spoke and Almitra's face shone

Like lightning

The Prophet is soon gone

Nebimelach's lips stretch to attack

While the prophet attempts unsuccessfully to herd Almitra back

Nebimelach says,

"He who laughs first, laughs the rest of his days, while he who cries does just the same. From nothing you were formed so nothing you became. For your banishment, your heart will become destitute. Your heart shall never pay credit on that which is due. When you are done they will run to collect from you , and nothing you'll become."

Then he went on

"My kid knew it and at covenant prophesied by the setting sun. Wrote what I told him to. So go ahead and check back through states of graces, he predicted the end of him and you."

Nebimelach swift as the cat he always was, snatched the prophet up by the cuffs. Enraged, he said,

"What are these rings? Emerald, sapphire, diamond and jade? We were warring demons, yet you stayed. Watching every raid, you took the queen, but your pawn was king in disguise, for a prophet, I am surprised you didn't notice the blood in his eye. Blood on hs hands, forget us not prophet, for there was blood in your plans."

Nebimelach continued.

"...Ripped away from you what you snatched from his promised land. Even a year ago predicted that within 2 weeks time what was green should turn brown, and then become unseen. Still you denied him, though he tried. Now with one simple thumb he has overcome and made his pulse known universal. He struck the true chord, simply by watching what was between life's commercials."

At this he split the prophet side by side, and in his glory the Unseen Prophet arrived.

"This violence, insolence, condemnation does much to prove of the Tao of your station, microcosmically the Tao of your nation. Yet you're intent on letting loose the stone of David's sling. The terror born thought, taught within King Solomon's ring.What you have bought, will secure you in feeling Abaddon's abbysmal sting."

" What hope now could that false prophet bring?" (he muttered)

"Let two and two be one " (the old prophet stuttered)

So let this then be misery, woven into tapestry by a man with golden hands.

A million stars collapse. In the wake of Nebimelach finally coming back.

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