G.Washington - born 2/22


                    George Washington di E d on December 14, 1799

                               Henry 'Light H O rse Harry' Lee 

                                     his close f R iend, was 

                       charged by the Con G ress to write a eulogy

                  There's a quote near th E end which you may know:


                                        'First in W ar, first 

                                      in peace, A  nd  first

                          in the hearts of hi S countrymen, he was 

                    second to none in the H  umble  and  endearing 

                      scenes  of  private  l I fe; pious,just,humane

                              temperate & si N  cere; uniform

               dignified and commandin G, his example was as edifying 

         to  all  around  him  as  were  T he effects of that example lasting'

                              Geo. Washingt O n 1732-1799 



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