Re: Sen. Feinstein. NYT

I had no intention of doing yet another posting complaining about the NY Times but after glancing at this story I couldn't not do it. I'm so outraged at the Times right now.

The story that I'm referring to concerns Senator Dianne Feinstein, 89. She's not doing well. It's been disclosed that after coming down with shingles, she has encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain. 

Look what's written directly beneath the headline. It says 'she remains unwilling to entertain leaving the Senate'. Have you no decency NY Times? At long last, have you no decency? The poor woman is 89 years old and recovering from a serious illness! You expect her to 'entertain' leaving the Senate? Would you like her to get up on a table and sing a couple of songs? Maybe do a soft shoe routine? Tell some jokes? This poor woman can barely walk! How is she in any condition to do any entertaining? I bet you wouldn't say that if it was a man. For shame NY Times!!

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