What’s your legacy?

I've reached that point in my life..

I realize I'm not gonna be here forever

I started.thinking..

What impact has my life had on others, if any?

What will I leave as evidence I was even here?

In other words, what is my legacy?

There's something I don't understand 

Why should I have a legacy if I don't have an armacy?

Which reminds me, need to pickup my prescription at the pharmacy 

My doctor wants to give me a test to determine my bone density

Shouldn't he also give me a test to determine my bone loosity?

The reason I went to see him was I think I strained my tendon, see?

But you don't care about that. Sorry, I go off on tangents. Have a tendency..

What was I talking about again?

Oh, right. My legacy!

Know what? I think this poem is too long. Gonna end it, if you don't mind.



You must be thrilled I finally ended it. Too long, right?

Instead of me ending it finally, I bet you wish I ended it initially!



OMG! Anna's wedding!!

I completely forgot about it!!

The ceremony starts 5:30! Sorry, gotta run. Gotta shower, take a shave..

Who is Anna?

Oh, sorry 

Anna is my wife's friend. She's marrying Owen Green
You probably don't remember

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a poem about it

When I wrote the word 'initially', it made me think of it

Check it out if you're interested. The title is ORG? OMG!

Honestly, I think it's one of the best poems I've ever done

It's not really a poem. I would say it's more of a prose

Though I classified as a poem. Does it make a difference?

When you wanna write something, you have two options, right? 

'Create Poem' or 'Create Prose'

Does it matter which one you use? Why the distinction? Does anybody know?

Oh..hold on a sec

That was my wife. She's not happy
I was supposed to be at the hall now. They took the wedding pictures already but I wasn't there because I forgot about it! Oh, man!

She always gets mad at me because she says I spend so much time talking and never get to the point

What can you do? I still love her

Anyway, what was I saying?

Oh yeah. What happens if you make all your poems prose and all your prose poems? They might have to change the website to 'postprose.org'

What do you guys think about that?...



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