Emotionless Emotions

You hope someone will see the pain you are in..

The fear that you feel..

The hurt that is tearing thru you like a sharp knife..

You just want someone. Anyone to see the fighting you have to start with everytime you wake..

You wish..

You hope..

You dream for all of this..

Yet how can it happen when you have had to shut down all your emotions to survive?

You wish for someone to hear the cry and see the tears that go down your face..

That they will see you in the corner with your shovel digging that hole..

You want them to hear you yelling out HELP ME PLEASE..

How can this happen though when you have to shut down all your emotions so that you dont loose your mind..

You grow up being told, dont you dare cry..

And whatever you do, dont let it be known..

They told you that you were happen when you were angry..

And dont you dare no matter what eer ask for help..

So you hide it..

You dont speak..

When you are asked how you are..

You tell them you are good or ok..

When in reality you sit here and just wish you could die..

So that it would all be over with ..

No more fears..

No more tears..

No more feeling lost and alone..

No more having to hide in that hole..

no more having to have to worry about feeling like a bad and weak failing person when you can not do things on your own..

Without screwing it up..

And having to ask other to help you..

Because growing up that is what you were told..

The only reason to ask for help is that you were weak and a failure..

And can no longer do it alone..

So I go into emtionless emotions..

And I shut them down..

Otherwise I am afraid of what else may fall and not sure what else to try..

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