The Unknown

Sometimes people will tell me I have said or done things I do not reacall..

This scares me..

Becasue I feel like I have lost time I am not aware of..

It can be so frustrating when This happens..

Becasue of not remembering it..

Always looseing the time when I do this..

As if I do not exist in my own body..

Or even my own body..

So many thoughts and feelings go thru me when I am sitting and listening to all I all this info given to me..

Wondering what has happend in my life..

As if someone else for this time is liveing it for me..

To often this happens to me..

So times with so much time lost..

So much confusion fills me inside..

So many questions upon my heart.

I just set and try to figure this out..

All the time asking the how and why's

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