Prepare Fot Battle

As I prepare for another battle..Knowing there will be no win..

One of all the hate..

All the anger..

all the fear..    

To get past all the negative..

say day be able to live in the posotive..

I wonder if this day will come..

I must prepare for yet antoher battle..

Another one that will not be won..

As I never even have a chance..

I start off loosing..

So determend this will be the last one..

In hopes this will be the one that I can finally win..

To prepare for battle seems to be such a waste of time..

There will never be an end..

To prepare for battle once again..

Wish it would all just end..

Just once to be able to prepare for battle to actually win..

I know is only a dream in the end..

So once I again I will prepare for battle..

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