All MIxed Up

I sit and I think of all the things that have happend..

As I go thru all the poems of the past..

Even now looking at them can be so hard..

Bringing up all feelings..

Old tapes..

Old fears..

Everything just so mixed up..

Knowing I am no longer where I was then..

Still everything in me feeling all mixed up again..

I get told it is normal becasue of what is in there..

Because so much of it have not come up except in the poetry of the past..

I sit and I wonder..

How will I get thru the next step..

That is since they have all been gone thru..

To get them together to maybe do something good with them..

Yet haveing the fear that if I do then everyone will know..

They will know everything..

Things I have held on to and done so good to hide..

Feelings being all mixed up of what will they say..

What will they do..

I have the feelings of crying..

Feelings or hideing..

feelings of just put it all back away..

And just let it take space..

Just as it has for all these many years..

Hidden for none to see..

None to know..

So I ask..

What should I do..

With everything being all mixed up..

Do I take that next step and do something everyone has told me for years to do..

Or do I just put them back on the shelf..

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