I Believe In Magic

In the early years I would run all around so excited waiting for the days to come..

As they drew nearer I just could not hardly stand it..

Though unline most there also was a fear inside of me..

A very confuseing time to try and figure out which way was right..

I knew the storys I was told were those of magical days..

Everyone said they were true..

Yet still in heart there was a fear that was also true..

How can a child know which real..

The day would finally some and I would out into the living room and see the magical glow..

Santa had come as I alyed to sleep and left all that he could..

Gifts were under the tree all wrapped and shiney with bows..

Still unsure of the maig I believed in to be true..

With the connection of the fear..

Though on that morning when the lights had that specil glow they had never had before..

And the toys and gifts did too..

For just that short I did not believe nor feel the fear..

I only belived in magic..

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