True Love

Love is the tender soft touch of your fingertips across my soft sweet lips
It's the way you hold me in your arms, so close
When I hear your heart beat it sounds like waves racing their way across the sands
It's the way you cherish every little thing I do for you, even if it's not the way you like
It's the way you look into my brown eyes, and I can hear the words I love you
Love is the way you catch me before I fall
When you hold my hand while we walk,
You show me that you're proud to show everyone that I belong to you
It's the way you would drive 10,000 miles just to see me smile
Love is the way you can't get me off your mind,
When I'm far away from you
That is what love is

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Thank you for giving me a good title for my poem it means alot

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Thank you so much for reading

Thank you so much for reading my poem and helping me come up with a title for it.... thanks again!

Xoxo Tattooed Angel Xoxo

Crystal A Cupak