

Is this your true color?

I felt your push before it had even begun,

And yet the pull was inescapable.

I clawed for some ground,

A patch of sanctuary,

Inside you.

I sought a place of refuge,

And though I doubted,

You said it lay yet vacant inside yourself.

I looked for it.

I ate from your outstretched hand,

Your quiet eyes,

Your soft embrace.

I gazed through your window

And slept in your bedsheets,

Knowing you and all of you and none of you

In my beautiful conundrum.

I wed myself to your solid demeanor,

Your questions,

Your insecurity of hands and feet and mouths.

I touched your finger and we were one,

Bound by some illusionist forge

In my mind.

Is this the divorce of actualities,

Realities, compatibilities,

The end of all things in their ensembles?

Silent rejection,

Hard lips,

Unforgiving embrace;

I take my papers from your palms and sojourn again.

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