~ If I Could, I Would ~

If I could make you smile ,

you'd be smileing so much your checks would hurt.

If I could make you happy,

you'd be running around with joy

If I could make you rich,

I'd fill your hands and eyes with dollar signs.

If I could send you on vacation,

you'd be ordering drinks all tan on the beach.

If I could grant you one large wish,

I'd make all your dreams come true.

but unfortunatly I can't always make you smile or bring happiness in your life

I cant make you rich , send you on vacation or even grant you one wish.

For Now all I can do is write you this

I love you and would do anything for you I hope that someday things get better and all your dreams come true !

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written for everyone close to me,I am sorry if life is not always great I wish I could take all your troubles away,and "I Would if I could"

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Crystal Hecklinger's picture

THis is so pure and sweet, and thats what i loved about it..great work hun~ keep it up~