someday, i will be whole

what we're feeling is not falsified

or imaginary

it does not stop for sunshine

or rain

it is not driven to conquer

but to unify

we are not forced to see things this way

rather this is how we choose to see them

we did not become part of a group to be dissolved by it

only to stand out inside it

what we will become is a group of individuals

uniquely celebrating each others differences

in a setting where everyone belongs

what we will believe in is

our strength

our courage


we will change the future

because we can't stop at just improving the insides

i believe that i am intelligent

i believe that i am an individual

i believe that i am driven to achieve

...but a big dreamer

                    with unattainable dreams

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i go to therapy (big surprize... i'm a writer) i wrote this for my therapist because i couldn't speak for myself except for the fact that myself is the only person i can speak for. someday, every side of my personality will come together. someday, i will be one whole person.

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Kristina Bedeski's picture

i can reall relate to this poem...thanks for inspiring me not only ur self but u inspired me by someday i will be a whole person this kinda doesnt make sense but who cares
