happier than chaos

i want to sit with you in silence and listen to our hearts beat out of sync randomly like primative drums from across the room. i want to say everything in my eyes, my shy inquisitive smile asking questions without answers... not because you won't give them, there are just no answers for the things i want to know. about you. about me. about us. you stare- blankly into me. but you blink twice and i know you well enough to know that wasen't an accident. and i moved closer toward you in our comfortable quiet knowing the blink twice beckining custom ever since we found we could sit in silence much happier than chaos. i want to sit with you in silence, holding your hand listening to our hearts beat together answering all the unanswerable questions i never had to ask.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i was inspired after when he said nothing at all.

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Guinevere Blades's picture

this is just.wow. the very essence of love and soul-mates.i really pray to find this one day.you are one of the most -natural- writers i have had the pleasure of reading.i hope to see more soon =).blessings,guinevere