
Back in the Day

I am scared of Death

I am realy afraid of it

I don't know what will happen, how will it be different

will me mind and thoughts just not exisat or is there really something after death?

This past week, I witnessed something that got me, not past the fear, but past its thought.

I am going to live life like there is nothing after it.

No more living in the past, just the here and now.

There will still be those memories.

That one guy that was your first, whom you can never escape.

That one girl that you just can't stand, despite your might she will always have no life and continue to ruin someone elses.

There will always be that football star that you can say you had moments with, even though he makes excuses for them.

There will still be that guy that gave you some great spontanious moments and is now away to college.

There are those group of girls that bad mouth anyone that doesn't carry a proda bag, or a Loui Vaton

There are those group of magic card losers and slumber party dorks that will always be there when the popular crowd throws you out.

That one teacher that made you like math, even though everyone said he was carzy, gay and like door knobs.

There will always be those two teachers that sit on their lunch hours gossiping about their students.

There will always be that one true best friend, who stuck it out through everything.

But there wont always be another day.

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Hey Sar,
You really sound like lifes been rough lately. If there's anything you want me to do, let me know. I've been there, i know what youre feeling. So, i'm here if ya need me.