
The sky is grey today

It cries upon the glass

There is no sun today

You can feel sadness in the grass

The air is cold as the wind blows

I begin to feel frost on the tip of my nose

Fall is finally here and summer is away

I shiver in my chair and wish the sun would stay

This dark and dreary weather makes me want to sleep

It's difficult to stay awake, my consciousness I can not keep

My eyes begin to close

And then my whole body knows

That today is a day to rest

My breathing deepens now and my heart beats slowly in my chest

I dream I am on a sunny beach

But the waves I can not seem to reach

This is because it is only a dream

I am not quite where I wish to be

Reality sinks in as I feel the cold

My body shrivels up as if I am old

I decide it's time to find some heat

No longer will I sit in this seat

As I walk, my blood begins to flow again

I walk quickly- as fast as I can

I know the warmer air is not far from me

I have now found where I want to be

I open the door and the heat pours out

As I warm the outside, I want to scream and shout

I am finally warm and not so cold

I feel young again instead of old

I have become warm and now I am glad

However I am also sad

I know that I can not stay here forever

Myself and the heat must leave together

As I walk outside, the cold rushes in

And now I begin to feel the pain again

Fall is finally here and summer is away

I shiver in my chair and wish the sun would stay

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Created 10/23/07

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