Which One Is It?

Forget about letting people decide things for you.

    Your own mind is more capable

    Than what you probably demand of it.  

Forget all your shiny things.

    They owned you before your wallet was even

    Out of your pocket.

Forget all your beliefs.

    Check back on your source material;

    Yup. The stupid ones are actually that stupid.

Forget about going to work today.

    You're feeding much more than yourself,

    And it's always, always hungry.

Forget about money.

    It's a demon that even God asks you for.

    Go ahead and get pissed off at that.


Forget about getting angry all the time.

    How much better does it actually make you feel?

    I thought as much. I also agree.

Forget, for a bit, about where you came from and where you're going.

    The trip will wait right where it is.

    You, as the traveler, have the same luxury.

Forget about the color of your skin.

    Environment makes us different,

    But only in behavior. Cut us. We're the same.

Forget about how this world will end.

    It's done it hundreds of times before us.

    Either we'll stop it, or we won't. Comforting, eh?


Forget about complaining about your life.

    You're alive.

    That's much more than what the dead can hope for.



You will do one of three things:

    All of the above,

    Some of the above,

    Or none of the above.

If you did none of the above, you're probably either a goofy, cranky rebellious sort (right on), or a two-legged blind cow (unfortunately common).

If you've done some of the above, you're probably a decent enough human being with an eclectic grab-bag of interesting quirks between your ears and behind your sternum.

And if you did all of the above...


I'm impressed. You have officially defied physics. You can do all but one, or one and no other.

Which one is it?

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Hardy Kemp's picture

This is simply amazing. It is so witty and makes you think about the way you live your life, while still maintaining a bit of humor.

Cassie Harthcock's picture

this is great. it really makes me question myself, my values, the way i see the world. your writing is very clear, to the point, which i have great appreciation for.

ladyhawke's picture

Wow...you have such a wonderfully unique style...as well as your themes. This one is simply awesome. And no, I am not going to tell you what category I fell into...let's just say that this piece really got me thinking.

Absolutely superb!! You have a gift for not just writing, but a gift to have us all thinking. Keep writing..you are phenonmenal.

LadyHawke :-)

Gary Mills's picture

Nice job, lest I forget about letting people decide things for me. I am working backwards through your stuff and looking forward to more. Interesting style, excellent point of view.

Stay safe, (unless you made other plans)
