At The Prospect Of Elim [Repost]

[after Exodus 15; Numbers 23]


A pillar of cloud by day; a pillar of fire by night---

so Christ filled their time with His own splendid Light,

for faith must be felt, not abstract in its sense:

faith is no theory, but absolute experience.






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patriciajj's picture

A brilliant connection

A brilliant connection between God's providence in the desert and our own profound experience, just as real as any gushing rock or pillar of fire. An elevating and beautiful meditation. 

Co3ru135c3n7's picture

Thank you.  The brief

Thank you.  The brief reference to Elim in the book of Exodus has fascinated me for years; to my mind, it just resonates with spiritual meaning.  Thank you for the kind words.

Coerulescent [fka Starward]