An Apple a day...


Well I ate that apple with gusto

I guess this is the choke

someone wake me up from this nightmare 

prefereably not seven vertically challenged men 

This time I'd like to be fucked and left standing. 

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running_with_rabbits's picture


oh man I loved it til the end which at first I thought seemed to come out of nowhere but then as I typed this comment I was like 'ohhh left standing..cause they are short to stand and fuck...oh'...still not so keen on the ending but it did make me laugh after that ;)


LOVED the rest..I mean LOVED! <3 

Much Love


SSmoothie's picture

Lol! The dwarfs are a

Lol! The dwarfs are a metaphors for knocking me over  vertically challenged at fucking because when I get fucked over I like to ve able to recover hence left standing...  Like this song says by the legend himself:


Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

running_with_rabbits's picture


I LOVE Elton John!

Much Love
