Pants on Fire!

bloated with bullshit
groaning with lies
swelling with denials
push every pleasant thought
out of every orifice.

belching with dishonesty
thrashing with trechery
lashing with chicanery
redefine pain as
a guilty secret pleasury.

pregnant with fourberie
petulent with improbity
perfunctory with skullduggery
holding over the mendacity
craving under this debauchery

inspired with perfidiousness
imagination with machination
alive with surreptitiousness
heaving under webs of betrayal
crumbling under the pressure of furtiveness

pecksniffery what the hell
is wrong with you?

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facethetruth2b's picture

I.D.K what is wrong with me ,

I.D.K what is wrong with me , the doctors and I have been trying to figure me out...LOL ...Great write.... Tired of the B.S also...

you laugh at me because I am differant, I laugh at you because You are all the same ...(KoRn) J.D......

SSmoothie's picture

yeah so darn tired of people trying to put one over

someone else. My mother says if it looks like slime, it smells like slime,it acts like slime it IS slime! ;) Good Ol' Mom!

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

GSNJSMJ's picture



powerful thuum.


Ascesa e rialzarsi fino a quando gli agnelli diventano leoni

Rise and Rise again until Lambs become lions

SSmoothie's picture

thanks GSNJSMJ

I can see you know the meaning of everyword I wrote, thanks I am honored you think so :) always great to hear from a grand poet.
Cheers SS

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."