
Is it quiet and dark in there my little butterfly?
Is it warm and lonely thinking about yourself?
Can you hear the muffled whispers outside?
They're talking to you...
Is it safe in there my little grub
Are the paint by numbers dot to dot
Patterns filled in?
Have you thought and thought
and vexed yourself again?
Are you sending out the signal
And no one hears your pain?
Is it only your mind that's vain?
Come on little winged fiend don't
Break your lovely wings
Have a crack at it,
push through
and let us all meet the real you
I'm sure your not as sour
as you've led yourself believe
So open up spread those wings and show
Us who you can be
Magnificent !
a lot like me! ;P

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just having an appreciate SS day, you should have a poem to celebrate your own appreciation day! Could've been worse you coul have been me ;) HugSS

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