Summer Solstice


The summer solstice


upon our glorious pagan souls


as we entwine ourselves

with ancient spirits,


and love


The rapture of our heaving


will carry us deep into the night


As we throw ourselves


the shadows, and the flames


She is not my wife, and I

am not hers


But tonight, we are entwined


blood and wine


till the beat of rising drums

carry us,


to the break of dawn






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patriciajj's picture

A spellbinding, antique

A spellbinding, antique odyssey. I was completely blissed out by this enthrallingly beautiful excursion that has a powerful sense of time and place. The evocative images, the ecstasy of the couple throwing themselves "between/ the shadows, and the flames", suggest a Celtic (or other ancient European pagan group) Midsummer festival believed to boost the sun's energy and increase the power of magic.


You worked some magic yourself with the cadence in this beguiling work of art. The lines have a flow and a pulse like "the beat of rising drums" that carry the lovers "to the break of dawn".


Too good to read only once. Truthfully, I was swept away by this gorgeous indulgence. 

Spinoza's picture

  Always loved the longest


Always loved the longest day of the year. There’s something special about it. The ancients were far more attuned to lunar and solar cycles than modern society, and I think there’s something beautiful about that – because it connects us to the bigger picture – the Cosmos. Of which, we are apart.