Snows Inside

My head is a cracked skull.
Sockets for eyes so shallow.
Where the coals ablaze glow.
Melts the frost falling snow.
I've been told too many lies.
Protect myself in this disguise.
Lost count of all the times I've died.
My tears freeze inward it snows inside.
I've wished for the carbon copy.
But nothing comes that easily.
I wonder how you quickly forgot me.
Frozen in place I'm forced to see.
I percieve this world for how it is.
Innocent butchered the guilty lives.
Vunerable criticized hiprocrites praised.
The living cast down the dead get raised.
I'm just another sucker for a pretty face.
A tradegy for a different time and place.
Seeking new life with a soul that's died.
Blizzards escape my lips from the snow inside.
My words may be icy but they're straight to the point.
Your promises may seem genuine but you'll dissapoint.
Nothing ever lasts in this dying world anymore.
Love isn't forever.
My heart feels like a fleshy pulsating vice.
Cause' I'll suck them in and squeeze them dry.
Trying to fill an urge that won't subside.
To nurse a wound that won't heal and comply.
I don't want to feel cold and empty inside.
Accustomed to this monrose vancancy,
I don't know what to look for in you.
I'm sure as hell that you don't see me.
Through my shield of glass and solemn lines.
That grows more unrecognizeable with time.
How can I expect someone to love me.
when I can't even take care of myself.
Why do I think anyone would want me?
When I'm constantly playing the cards past dwelt.
I'm so cold inside.
Frozen in place and time.
Icesickles shatter like glass.
Snowflakes of lonely winter's past.
Blizzards devour you whole.
Frostbitten by my soul.
There's nothing to feel anymore.
I'm dead at the core.


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