Burial Day

You think I'm confused, that I know not of what I say.
I am awake for the first time in months, and Its burial day.
I know the smell of death, how it reeks when something's died.
In my heart Its all a monstrosity of your venomous lies.

Oh Its Burial day.
Time for the cremation.
I'll come back as a reincarnation.
As a man ,woman, animal or tree.
I'd really make no difference to me.

You couldn't believe the words that spewed from my tongue.
Too many poison arrows to my heart you have flung.
Each one cutting beyond tissue straight down to the bone.
I only wanted someone close, someone's arms to call home.

Oh its burial day.
Time to lay down, surrender to the box of pine and bolts.
We've been reeking of decay for a long time.
Its a zombie-lust.
(looking into empty eyes, did you ever feel so un-alive?)
Now its decomposition sublime.
(hearing the merciful sweet sound of buzzing flies)
Oh its time for the pyre.
I want to dance in the fire.

You say that you've always loved me, yet what is love anyway?
I was always second best to  you, I wanted more.
Didn't you get the clue?
You were the social butterfly, and I was the black widow.
I've always felt like I was sucking you dry.
Cause' you'd flutter away from me'always too high.
What we had well always be there in our memory
But didn't want to be your cocoon so I set you free.

Oh its burial time.
Gather. mourn of death and sorrow.
I'll be back, it's a fresh new start tomorrow.
We've died babe, Were dead.
I'd rather be damned a million.
Then to be your voodoo dolly.
This depressed chameleon.

It's Burial day.
The aura of death is all around let it sink in.
I'm savoring the flames as they lick and nip at my skin.
Oh I'm going to come back a beautiful  creation.
Like the mighty phoenix I'm going to rise from my ashes.
Learn from your wounds they have always said.
I'm already healing from your arrow inflicted gashes.

I've always knew this day would be.
Cause' You were the death of me.
Now, I'm alive again.
Reincarnated, feeling so virgin.

Oh its Burial time.
Time for the cremation.
I'll come back as a reincarnation.
As a man ,woman, animal or tree.
I'd really make no difference to me.
Cause' ether way I'll be brand new.
And I would had, never have know you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Break up poem about my first love.

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