The Hourglass

the hourglass....each bead of sand is a question that went unasked...i stare in the reflection terrifys me..whos
that boy staring back at me?...i dont recognize those dark hollow eyes!..i shudder and i look away..i have lost track of time..what day is today...i stumble blood rushing in my dead veins..i feel unwanted like a acidental stain...

the hourglass...its looking back at me..reminding me my time is running out...i look away i want to scream i want to shout..
but i open my mouth..nothing my faith my voice has long since whithered and died...i whisper...i shouldn't have lied...the day we are born is the day we begin to die..the hourglass my constant muse...i havent had my time for my own use...the sand is half way gone...i am feeling frowned apon...i am sorry mother..i have let you down...i know
i am not what you wanted...i see it in your fake shallow eyes everyday...why not just be honest with me...why not release the demons so i can be slayed?

the my reminder..that i am not immortal..that i will eventually die soon..sooner or later..a lover or a hater..we are all gonna kiss the soil some day..six feet below we will lay..i in a satin lined box made of pine and bolts...the hourglass
the sand runs too fast..all i want is true love is that too much to ask?the hourglass holds all my secrets and sins..when the last bead slips through nothings ness begins...i tremble stare wide eyed in horror clutching the wall for fear of a faint..
i am feeling utter last dying wish is to feel your sweet caress..i watch through dry tears as the last bead of sand makes its transition to the bottom half of the hour glass..
my time has passed...blackness...nothingness....

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Beth's picture

So beautifully! So wonderfully written! I loved every line! It has so many good makes you think..

Princess Poison's picture

the day we are born is the day we begin to die

so true so true i love it!