Was That You I Saw ?

There was a hill upon which I did die

I had been there before

I had seen it before

I had loved it before

They all shook their heads and wondered why

She had been there before

She had seen it before

She had loved it before

She twirled under the stars and laughed til she fell

She had been there before

She was getting sad though no one could tell

She had seen it before

She wanted the love back she never really had

She had loved it before

She is there no more

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was depressed once

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ugonna's picture

A touching ballad that reads
like a Wordsworthian piece
on an English country

I am trapped by its
simple narrative
and beauty of the


tylerbaptiste's picture

my dear friend, we all at one time face depression, we need to, if not life itself would not be complete and we would walk empty. Your poem shows true emotions of deep feelings, I hope you continue to write this amazing poetry.