Chapters of An Unwritten Book; The Life of...


Hard covers without a title, 1930s antique pages

in between are blank but full of inspiration and a

life lived one chapter at a time. Each chapter

should be read in accordance to the life of…yet,

the life of…is unknown.

The book is in dedication to imagination and

creativity; the biography of the life of…is up to

the reader to narrate, possibly edit. The only

titles you will find are in each unwritten

chapter of the life of…; the first chapter’s title

is simply, ‘The Birth of…’

One cannot go without thinking of the

childhood the life of…embraced, the memories

a child keeps, and the friendships developed.

Thirty-six chapters all-together of blank pages

to the readers, but for the author an

autobiography full of adventures, lessons, and


Chapters two to twenty-five are titled

‘Immaculate High; the other side of the life of.’

The readers can imagine the unimaginable to

them, but for the author it is more than a life

of highs and lows; is about the first and last

crush, the downfalls, which became

triumphant results that shaped and molded

the life of…

Chapters twenty-six to thirty-two are titled,

‘Higher Learning,’ the reader cannot read

the words; however, the reader may narrate

as he/she wishes, to the author these are the

chapters that gives the details about

conquering education’s highest platform with

a degree; a time in the life of…that will never

be taken away!

From Chapter’s thirty-three to thirty-five two

letters title each Chapter, ‘IO’, to the reader a

fascination that no words explains or

paragraphs to detail the life of…for the author

a commitment and desire for knowledge and


Chapter 36 is simply titled, ‘Ellianah,’ to the

reader is just a name; however, for the author

it is the beginning of the new chapters of the

second unwritten book of the life of…

copyright2013 #soulkritic 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The Life Of...

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